Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Day 2

Yesterday was a success, I ate hardly anything - ok I am sure it was enough, it just seemed like hardly anything compared to what I ate before and I was hungry for a lot of the day but it will go away in time. We woke up this morning and worked out, I did so much better today but I paced myself and didn't try to kill myself. Today I have eaten 1 strawberry, drank some water, tea and decaff coffee, oatmeal for breakfast again (I will be getting rid of oatmeal after this week) and for snack I had 10 peanuts. Lunch will be a piece of bread & pb and a side of raw carrots then for the afternoon snack - yogurt. Dinner is going to be something new, I have chicken and lime, hopefully it taste good. I will add a veggie on the side. Still motivated and positive!

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