Thursday, May 28, 2009

Back from Vacation

The vacation started off great, I had no trouble keeping my food somewhat healthy and my portions small, at least for the first 3 or 4 days, I blew it on day 5 and 6 but it is to be expected when your family visits around a kitchen table and food is continually being cooked at eaten! I was so ready to get home and get back on track. I worked out about 4 times while on vacation so I felt good about that. I still ended up losing .5 a pound, and another pound today so in one month I am down 6.5 pounds. We will take comparison pictures tonight or tomorrow, I really expect to see a big difference and I wonder what I will think of myself, will I look better, will I see more flaws? I have upped my food a bit, I am eating almost a whole sandwich at lunch now, but breakfast and snacks have remained the same. Dinners are getting easier and I have some yummy menus to work with. I still have to work on a few nights. I really feel happier about life in general and I think the food and working out are responsible. It took about 3-4 weeks to really feel the benefits of the new changes we made but I am so glad we did. I am a little hungry right now, lunch is still 35 minutes away. I can make it, I always do, and I feel better for it. Sorry I was gone so long, as you can imagine it was pretty busy and just off, I am glad to be back to normal.

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