Saturday, May 2, 2009

Day 5

Last night I had a wonderful dinner - grilled steak and steamed broccoli. I had an entire filet minon and quite a bit of broccoli yet about 30 minutes later the hunger pains returned and stayed until I went to bed. I know I wasn't hungry, they were there because it was Friday night and normally I had something yummy, like ice cream. I almost caved into the craving, it was so bad last night. I caught myself thinking eating healthy is stupid, who cares if you are fat and unhealthy, everyone else is eating what they want - but luckily I resisted and I know it will get easier with time.
Today Kris, Summer and I woke up and ate our healthy breakfast and headed to a state park close to home. It was beautiful, it has 2 ponds and it was not very hot. We spent an hour walking around just looking at everything so we did get moving. Then we went to a park and had our morning snacks, a few peanuts for me. Summer enjoyed swinging and sliding. Next stop on the journey is lunch. I can only think a few hours ahead, the day is split into meals and snacks now. Eventually this will become second nature but for now I have to really think about it. I am not sure what I am going to have for lunch, maybe 1/2 sandwich and some fruit, that sounds good.

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