Thursday, May 7, 2009

Much Better

I felt so much better last night - I had SO much more energy. I was hoping the energy would eventually come to me. I figure there are 4 key points to this whole lifestyle change that I have had to overcome.
1- Waking up earlier. Instead of waking up at 6:30 we are waking up at 5:30. It was hard at first and there will be days that I won't want to get up out of bed but having Kris next to me motivates me to hurry and get up before he does hehe.
2- Working out. Working out can be hard, right now it is kicking my butt and today seemed harder but it is going faster. Some days I am just not motivated to try very hard. The first day I felt sick, my teeth hurt and I had no fun but I am not pushing myself that hard, there is no reason to get sick and be in pain. Now I take the workout slower, at my own pace, do what I can, I try to push myself some but I have issues with cardio. I just bought a pilates DVD that I want to try with Summer and I need something to take with me on vacation in two weeks.
3- Eating Less. It is hard to change your diet. The hardest part in the beginning is the amount, eating about 1/3 to 2/3's less can be really hard. By day 1 I was ready to quit but it helped to read other blogs about some people I know who are trying to save starving people in Africa - Darfur. Those people are hungry, I am not.
4- Energy. I have had some issues with energy, it comes in waves, some days I have more than others. For a while I had almost none, not to mention I am tired at night because I am getting up so early.
Overcoming those 4 things can be done and I know I will feel better soon.

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